Medical and Healthcare Translation
Effective healthcare communications make a life and death difference. Poor translations of patient information, medical questionnaires or medical device user manuals can be a fatal mistake and can expose you to unwanted legal action.
The medical and healthcare industry relies on accurate translations and localization—period. When dealing with medical tools, devices, physician-supported services and patient well being, translation must be clear, culturally appropriate, carefully and sensitively handled for a foreign language audience.
The Language Center is a specialized, qualified healthcare translation provider with extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. Our translations save you time and money, ensure you comply with regulations and help you connect in any language.
Healthcare Compliance Laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 sets the stage for all other healthcare regulations regarding the LEP (limited English proficient) population, requiring that any organization (including health care organizations) must not discriminate based on race, color, or national origin.
In addition, service providers would have difficulty complying with certain laws, such as EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) without being able to communicate with LEP patients. Effective translation services will ensure that this happens.
All 50 states now have laws that address the issue of language access in healthcare settings. Seventeen states have language access laws addressing translation for insurance providers and/or managed care organizations. Some are broader than others.
The Language Center Advantage: There is nothing more important in medical and healthcare translation than exactness. To accomplish this aim, The Language Center has assembled a network of linguistic experts from well-established medical backgrounds. As medical professionals and trained communicators, our healthcare translators simplify medical complexities in accurate, easy to understand terms.
Contact us today and discuss how we can be of service.